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You walk down the street, busy as ever, when you notice a couple people in the alley you were about to walk by. You see that one man is behind the set up card table, revealing that the ball was under a different cup. The other man cusses and walks off, almost bumping into you. The scam artist looks up at you when you look back at him. He is the Alleyman, and he beckons you inside. For just 17 cents, he will tell you a story about your future with his tarot cards. You begin to say you don't have change on you, but reaching into your pocket you find 17 cents exactly.

The Alleyman shuffles his strange and mismatched tarot deck, and begins to tell you a story about someone else that, you come to find is actually about you, as well.

The Alleyman's Tarot is a 137 card, mismatched tarot deck. An artifact from the real world, it was made with the kindness of many other artists, part made up of cards licensed from other, real-world tarot decks, part made up of cards I or other artists made for the deck, and part made up of standalone cards from older tarot decks, now public domain. This deck comes with a special guide made specific for the deck, written by the Alleyman himself, explaining the intricacies of the deck and the purpose of its many cards.

The Alleyman's will only ever have a single printing, so now is the time to get your copy. A wonderful display deck, certainly, but also the most unique deck to use in your divinatory practice as well.



The Deck

The 137-card deck that started it all. This mismatched tarot deck is made up of cards from a hundred+ different tarot decks and artists.
Comes in a two piece rigid box.


The Guidebook

The guidebook for the deck, made to be a spiral notebook from the Alleyman's own collection, detailing all the cards in his deck and what he reads them to mean, readings, and more on how to use the deck. It is 5.5x8.5" with a full color interior.


Satin Bag

This 7.5"x7.5" satin bag has a drawstring and is themed after the Gleaming Alley fine jeweler's store. It will fit your full deck!


Booster Pack #1

 17-card booster pack brings new artists and decks to the fold. All card meanings for these cards are already included in the base guide.


Booster Pack #2

This 17-card booster pack brings new artists and decks to the fold. All card meanings for these cards are already included in the base guide.


Booster Pack #3

This 17-card booster pack brings new artists and decks to the fold. All card meanings for these cards are already included in the base guide.


Booster Pack #4

This 8-card booster pack brings new cards from the artist behind it all, Seven. All card meanings for these cards are already included in the base guide.


Blank Booster Pack 

This 17-card booster pack brings 17 new backs with blank fronts to the deck for you to add your own meaning to.


Who is the Publishing Goblin?

Yo! I'm Seven Dane Asmund, formerly known as Dane Asmund. I'm a trans, nonbinary queer person living just south of Denver. I've worked in haunted houses (Zombie Army representing!), got a degree in English at the University of Iowa in 2012, moved to Chicago to get my MFA in Poetry in 2015, and I've self-published over a dozen books. I work under this account here to release books and poetry and tarot decks and oracle dice, and under Cosmic Mirror Games to explore my 40 created worlds through TTRPGs, card games, and video games. I've dabbled in music, magic, divination, and just in general I'm a producer of stuff-- stuff like this deck!

The Alleyman's Tarot Deck - Seven Dane Asmund - INDIE Deck

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